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About US

The Kharkiv Step University of Technology is located in Kharkiv, the second most populated city in Ukraine. It was the third largest scientific and shipping center in the USSR behind Moscow and St. Petersburg; within Ukraine it ranks second and, in some areas, first. The population (as estimatedby the Main Department of Statistics in the Kharkiv region) as of April 1, 2018 was 1,447,672 people, which is 54% of the population of the Kharkiv region. 

Kharkiv is the only city in Ukraine that has a full range of councils of Europe awards: the Diploma, the Banner of Honour, the Table of Europe and the Prize of Europe! This is traditionally a cosmopolitan city: representatives of 111 nationalities have lived and still live here. Kharkiv ranks ninth in population among the cities of Eastern Europe. The total area of Kharkiv is now 35 002.26 hectares. Since 1975 the subway, which consists of 3 lines, 30 stations, the total length is 39.6 km, has been working. 

At the present time, 65 higher educational establishments of different patterns of ownership and levels of accreditation train specialists in Kharkiv, among which there are 17 universities and 9 academies, and Kharkiv Technological University SHAG is one of them. The total number of students in Kharkiv higher educational institutions is 171,298 (in 2017 u.s., takes the 2nd city after our capital). The number of students per 100,000 population is 5.89 (compared to Kiev - 7.72). Most foreigners study at universities in Kharkiv - 20,925, Kiev - 12,950 and Odessa - 6,972. The biggest number of students is from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and India. The top 10 countries by the origin of the students also include Nigeria, Morocco, Georgia, Jordan, Iraq, China and Uzbekistan. On August 20, 2012, after the adoption of the law on languages by the Verkhovna Rada, the city council approved Russian as the regional language of communication and office work. 

Historical facts
1. Kharkiv is the largest city of the Earth on the 50th parallel. 
2. Kharkiv is home to specific words and meanings of the Russian language, prevalent only in Slobozhanshchina. These words are rakley (arrogant petty hooligan or thief, brazen and boorish), sevka (petty criminal element), trimpel (shoulders), chinka (razor blade), ampulla (ballpoint pen rod), snake (zip), route of transport, but only urban, mostly tram), gandelik (drinking room), ty (exclamation). 
3. Almost half (45.82%) of the population of the city have higher or incomplete higher education. 
4. There is a district Saltovka in Kharkiv - the largest "sleeping area" in Ukraine, the population of which is more than 400 thousand people. 
5. Barabashova market is the largest industrial and material market in Eastern Europe and occupies the 14th place in the ranking of the largest markets of the world with the area more than 75 ha. 
6. In 2010 Kharkiv was recognized as the best city in terms of quality of life in Ukraine.