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UNIVERSITY HISTORY. Kharkiv Technological University "STEP" was established on February 12, 2018 by the resolution of the General Meeting of the Founders, the official registration took place on February 21, 2018, that is also the date of birth. Zaytsev Vitaly Yegorovich, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), was elected as the head of HTU "SHAG". KhTU "Step" is the first and only HEI in Ukraine, where only technical disciplines are taught at technical specialities! This is a unique HEE, in which the percentage of lecture hours for all disciplines makes 57 % on the average! This first HEE which has introduced training under essentially new curriculum, on which they teach only necessary and actual and do not save on hours in disciplines.


Dmitry Korchevsky The founder of the Academy and the University, a Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Odessa University, and a PhD in Physics and Mathematics. The keynote of the activity is to give students such knowledge and skills that are in demand in the job market.