1. |
Kavun S., Brumnik R. Management of corporate security : new approaches and future challenges. Cyber security challenges for critical infrastructure protection. Monograph / [editorial Denis Galeta, and Miran Vrsec]. – Ljubljana : Institute for Corporate Security Studies, 2013. – 318 p. |
2. |
Klebanova T.S., Guryanova L.S., Kavun S.V. Innovative and information technologies in the development of the national economy: theory and practice. Innovation-oriented models of balanced regional development. Monograph / Edited by T.S. Klebanova, V.P. Nevezhin, E.I. Shokhin. |
3. |
Klebanova T.S., Guryanova L.S., Mozenkov O.V., Kavun S.V. Modern concepts of forecasting the development of complex socio-economic systems. Scenario forecasting of balanced development of territories based on fiscal policy instruments. Monograph / Edited by O.I. Cherniak, P.V. Zakharchenko - Berdiansk: Publisher Tkachuk O.V., 2013. - 556 p. - P. 118-131. |
4. |
Kavun S.V., Tridid O.M., Zima O.G. Models of evaluation and analysis of complex socio-economic systems. Multiple method of assessing the level of economic security of enterprises. Monograph / Under the editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor V.S. Ponomarenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor T.S. Klebanova, Doctor of Economics, Professor N.A. Kizima. - Kh |
5. |
Kavun S.V. Economic security of the enterprise: information aspect: monograph / S.V. Kavun: Publishing house LLC "Generous estate plus", 2014. 312 p. |
6. |
Kozachenko G.V., Kavun S.V. GR and PR management in the context of economic security. Approach to the development of information and analytical support of the economic security system of the enterprise. Monograph / edited by Prof. Migus I.P. - Cherkasy: Chabanenko Y.A. - Cherkasy, 2014. - 376 p. - P. 286-304. |
7. |
Kozachenko G.V., Kavun S.V. Economic and information security of economic entities: current state and trends of development: monograph [Text] / The concept of synthesis of information and analytical support of economic security of economic entities / edited by T.S. Smovzhenko, A.Y. Kuznetsova, O.I. Baranovsky, O.M. Tridid, G.M. Azarenkova and others - Kyiv: SBS of the NBU, 2014. 386 p. |
8. |
Kavun S.V., Revak I.O., Shvets O.O. Driving forces of business development in conditions of market interaction: Collective monograph [Text] / Intellectual potential - the basis of innovative business development / edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor G. G. Savina. - Kherson: Publishing House Vyshemyrsky V.S., 2014. - 288 p. - P. 226-240. |
9. |
Kavun SV, Revak IO, Zhosan GV. Driving forces of business development in conditions of market interaction: Collective monograph [Text] / The role of higher education in the formation of intellectual potential / edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor G. G. Savina. - Kherson: Publishing House Vyshemyrsky V.S., 2014. - 288 p. - P. 241-262. |
10. |
Information systems and technologies in urban space: monograph / M.V. Novozhylova, A.L. Litvinov, V.E. Zaitsev et al. [under the editorship of M.V. Novozhylova]; Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after A.M. Beketov - Kharkiv: KhNUMG named after A.M. Beketov, 2019. 300 p. |
Basic textbooks, textbooks of the department Textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science
1. |
Kavun S.V., Smirnov O.A., Sorbat I.V., Meleshko E.V., Kovalenko O.V. Artificial intelligence systems. Study guide. Kirovograd: KNTU, 2013. - 336 p. Vulture of MES of Ukraine №1/11-5584 from 18.03.13. |
2. |
Kavun S.V., Smirnov O.A., Stolbov V.F., Meleshko E.V. Fundamentals of information security. Study guide. Kirovograd: KNTU, 2012. - 444 p. Vulture of MESU № 1/11-5760. |
3. |
Kavun S.V., Chen R.M., Plekhanova G.O. Information and communication support of tourism activities. Study guide. Kharkiv: KNEU, 2011. - 400 p. Vulture MESU №1/11-12285. |
Training manuals
1. |
Kavun S.V. Economic and information security of enterprises in the system of consolidated information: Textbook / S.V. Kavun, A.A. Pylypenko, D.O. Ripka - Kh. |
Scientific articles in professional journals
1. |
Watermelon S.V. Analysis of cybercrime in the field of economic security / Scientific and methodological journal of the P. Mohyla Chernihiv State University "Scientific works. Series "Computer Technologies" / S.V. Kavun, V.A. Golubev. - 2014. - Issue 217, Volume 229. - P. 9-14. |
2. |
Gorokhovatskiy V.A. Granulation of object features values as a way to increase the effectiveness of structural recognition methods / V.A. Gorokhovatskiy, Yu. |
3. |
Gorokhovatsky V.A. "Neural network technologies of self-learning in systems of structural recognition of visual objects" / A.E. Berestovsky, A.N. Vlasenko, V.A. Gorokhovatsky // Registration, storage and processing of data. - 2015. - Vol. 17, No. 1. - P. 108-120. |
4. |
V.A. Gorokhovatsky, T.V. Polyakova, Y.A. Kulikov Classification of images based on feature spatial structures // Bulletin of NTU "KhPI". |
5. |
S.V. Kavun. Actual problems of mathematical modeling in the financial and economic sphere // Collection of scientific articles "Actual problems of mathematical modeling in the financial and economic sphere" - Kharkiv: Issue 12 / Edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.A. Byshev. Moscow: Finacademy, 2013. 9. |
6. |
V.Y. Dubnytsky, O.E. Petrenko, A.I. Khodirev "Investigation of the properties of the functions of "financial bubbles" and their log-periodic component". Scientific edition. Collection of scientific works of Information Processing Systems, issue 5 (121) - pp. 126-132. |
7. |
Vlasenko N.V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of feature systems in image recognition methods based on structural analysis / N.V. Vlasenko, V.A. Gorokhovatsky // Bionics of intelligence. - 2014. № 1(82).- С. 38-42. |
8. |
Horokhovatskyi V.A., Construction of modifications and analysis of the properties of structural descriptions in image recognition / V.A. Horokhovatskyi, N.V. Vlasenko, T.V. Polyakova // Herald of NTU "KhPI". Series: Informatics and modeling: collection of scientific articles - Kh.: NTU "KhPI". -2014. - №35(1078). - P.48-58. |
9. |
Kavun S.V., Trukhachova K.V. Evaluation of results and identification of opportunities to ensure a balanced performance of economic activity of the enterprise // Collection of scientific articles "Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice", Kharkiv: HIBS UBS NBU. - 2014. - Issue 2(17)/2014. - P. 218-226. |
10. |
Revak I. Trends and diagnostics of the state of national science as a factor of enrichment of intellectual potential / I. Revak, S. Kavun / Journal "Bulletin of the National Bank of Ukraine." - 2015. - № 6(232). - P. 68-76. |
11. |
Kavun S.V. Analytical review of the state of security in the banking sector / S.V. Kavun, O.M. Tryid // Collection of scientific articles "Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice", Kharkiv: HIBS UBS NBU. - 2014. - Issue 1(16)/2014. - P. 22-34. |
12. |
КKavun S.V. Hierarchical-matrix method of assessing the level of economic security / S.V. Kavun // Collection of scientific papers "Bulletin of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv)". - 2014. - 1(19). - P. 265-271. |
13. |
Kavun S.V. Methodical approach to the analysis and evaluation of financial and economic security of the enterprise / S.V. Kavun, O.E. Poltavska // Collection of scientific articles "Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice", Kharkiv: HIBS UBS NBU. - 2012. - Issue 2(13)/2012. - P. 142-147. |
14. |
Kavun S.V. Mathematical formalization of the criterion method of identifying insiders / S.V. Kavun, I.V. Sorbat / Scientific Bulletin of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economic series: collection of scientific papers / editor-in-chief R.I. Trinko. - Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 2012. - Issue 1. - P. 138-151 (292 p.) |
15. |
Kavun S.V., Guryanova L.S., Zhosan G.V.. Determination of the strategy of social responsibility of the enterprise in order to ensure the effectiveness of its activities / S.V. Kavun, L.S. Guryanova, G.V. Zhosan // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. - 2015. - Vol. 2. - No. 19. - P. 260-267. |
16. |
Guryanova L.S. Conceptual scheme of analysis of spatial-temporal and structural effects of financial regional policy / L.S. Guryanova, S.V. Kavun / Journal "Business Inform". - 2015. - № 5(448). - P. 71-78. |
17. |
Zaitsev, V.E. Reducing the duration of technological preparation of the production of aircraft pipeline parts by automating the adoption of rational technological solutions [Text] / V.E. Zaitsev, M.S. Melnikov // Aviation and space engineering and technology. - 2014. - N 3 (110). - С. 8 - 14. |
18. |
Zaitsev V.E. Implementation of synchronous means of communication in the form of online conferences and webinars in distance education platforms in Ukraine [Text] / V.E. Zaitsev, D.S. Morozov, M.O. Aliynyk // Scientific Notes of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Communications. - 2014. - №3(31) - P. 62 - 66. |
19. |
Zaitsev V.E. Model of collaborative course development in distance education platforms [Text] / V.E. Zaitsev, D.S. Morozov // Information technologies and learning tools, 2015, Vol. 45, No. 1. - P. 42 - 49. |
20. |
Zaitsev V.E. Educational electronic platforms as a pedagogical tool for educational institutions [Text] / V.E. Zaitsev, K.S. Babko // Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 16. The creative personality of the teacher: problems of theory and practice: a collection of scientific works. - Issue 31 (41). - Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, 2018. - P. 66-72. |
21. |
Zaitsev V.E. Construction of software verification systems in distance learning systems / V.E. Zaitsev, D.S. Morozov // IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists (web conference), December 11-12, 2013, Luhansk, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University - Luhansk: Knowledge Publishing House, 2013. - 384 p. |
22. |
Zaitsev V.E. Information Technologies in Education: Fashion or Necessity / V.E. Zaitsev // All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Philosophy of Communication: Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies in Education" March 20, 2014 - Dnipropetrovsk: Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, 2014. 16 p. |
23. |
Zaitsev V.E. The project "Classroom Assessment": development and implementation of an electronic platform for the implementation of accessible distance education and informatization of educational institutions both at the level of individual institutions and the region as a whole / V.E. Zaitsev // Sixth International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2015", March 12-14, 2014 - Kyiv: 2015. - P. 18 - 20. |
24. |
Zaitsev V.E. Electronic educational resource as a tool of information and communication technologies / V.E. Zaitsev, K.S. Babko // Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods: experience, trends, prospects. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Informatics and Methods of its Teaching, November 8-9, 2018, Ternopil - Ternopil: Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatiuk, 2018. - P. 84 - 87. |
25. |
Zaitsev V.E. National electronic educational platform: how to make an idea a reality / V.E. Zaitsev // XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Building the Information Society: Resources and Technologies", September 19-20, 2019, Kyiv - Kyiv: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2019. |
Scientific articles in international journals
1. |
Tridid O.M., Kavun S.V., Goikhman M.I. "Synthesis concept of information and analytical support for bank security system", 11(161), pp. 449-461 |
2. |
Kavun S.V. "Mechanism of counteraction in information warfare" / Revista Militara, Studii de securitate si aparare, Publicatie stiintifica, No. 1(11), 2014, pp. 55-61. |
3. |
Zaytsev V. Experimental and numerical investigation of processes that occur during high velocity hydroforming technologies: An example of tubular blank free bulging during hydrodynamic forming [Текст] / O. Khodko, V. Zaytsev, V. Sukaylo, N. Verezub, S. Scicluna // Journal of Manufacturing Processes. – 2015. ‑ № 20 (Part 1). – P. 304-313. |
4. |
Zaytsev V.Ye. Advanced Prospects for the Development of Aircraft Assembly Technology [Текст] / V.S. Krivtsov, V.V. Voronko, V.Ye. Zaytsev / Language: English. innov. 2015, 11(3): 11-18 |
5. |
Zaytsev V.E. Analysis of the issue of mail delivery by unmanned aerial vehicles / Zaytsev V.E., Voronko V.V., Voronko I.O. // Integración de las ciencias fundamentales y aplicadas en el paradigma de la sociedad post-industrial: Colección de documentos científicos "ΛΌGOΣ" con actas de la Conferencia Internacional Científica y Práctica (Vol. 2), 24 de abril de 2020. Barcelona, Spain: Plataforma Europea de la Ciencia. - pp. 57-60. |