STEP IT {global_step_name} | We have been teaching since 1999. High-quality IT-education for adults and children. We prepare programmers, designers and system engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. In order to achieve this, we teach how to understand tasks, run projects and work in a team, in addition to core knowledge.

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Trust Box


Everyone who cares about the future of the University - a student, applicant, employee, visitor - can provide information important for ensuring the full functioning and improvement of the activity of KHTU "SHAG". All messages (including anonymous ones) received in the e-mail box will be carefully studied and processed. The university administration guarantees complete confidentiality.

Please pay attention to the following:
– fields name, e-mail address, telephone, file are NOT mandatory;
– e-mail address and phone number are required for feedback, if additional information is needed or you wish to receive an answer;
– you can upload one image in .jpg .jpeg .png format up to 1MB in size.

The notice can be submitted:

  • no attribution (anonymous)

An anonymous notification of a violation of the requirements of anti-corruption legislation will be considered if the information specified in it relates to a specific person, contains specific factual data that can be verified.
An anonymous notification of a violation of the requirements of the Law is subject to verification within fifteen days from the date of its receipt. If it is impossible to check the information contained in the message within the specified period, the period for considering the message is extended up to thirty days from the day of its receipt.

  • with an indication of authorship

The notification is subject to verification within thirty days from the date of its receipt, and based on the results of the review, the whistleblower is provided with a written response. Contacts: +38 (050) 444-08-82 +38 (067) 549-75-74 +38 (057) 752-05-01
General questions: [email protected]