STEP IT {global_step_name} | We have been teaching since 1999. High-quality IT-education for adults and children. We prepare programmers, designers and system engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. In order to achieve this, we teach how to understand tasks, run projects and work in a team, in addition to core knowledge.

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The organization of admission of applicants to the University is carried out by the Admission Committee. The composition of the Admission Committee is approved by the order of the Rector of the University, who is its chairman. The Admissions Committee acts in accordance with the Regulations on the Admissions Committee of the University, approved by the Academic Council of the University, in accordance with the Regulations on the Admissions Committee of the higher education institution, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 15, 2015 No. 1085, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 4, 2015 under No. 1353/27798. Regulations on the University Admissions Committee are published on the University website. Selection Commissions act in accordance with the Regulations on the Selection Committee of the University, approved by the Rector of the University. Appeal commissions are created to accept and consider appeals of applicants regarding the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University. The Rector of the University ensures compliance with the legislation of Ukraine, including the Terms of Admission, these Rules of Admission, as well as the openness and transparency of the work of the Admission Committee. All issues related to admission to the University are decided by the Admission Committee at its meetings. The decisions of the Admission Committee are published on the official website of the University. More detailed information about the powers and work of the Admissions Committee is contained in the "Rules of admission to the SHAG Kharkiv Technological University"


Schedule of work of the Admission Committee of the University during the reception of documents and competitive selection:


Days Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00-13:00; 14:00-18:00

Saturday 9:00-13:00

Sunday  Day off



Address of the admission committee:

61010, Kharkiv, Malomyasnytska str. 9/11, 2nd floor


Directions: metro station "Prospekt Gagarina"

taxis №№ 5e, 68e, 79e, 115e, 119e, 123e, 128e, 147e, 211e, 218e, 232e, 246e, 304e, 305e



+38 (057) 752-05-01

+38 (067) 549-75-74

+38 (050) 444-08-82



[email protected]

[email protected]