STEP IT {global_step_name} | We have been teaching since 1999. High-quality IT-education for adults and children. We prepare programmers, designers and system engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. In order to achieve this, we teach how to understand tasks, run projects and work in a team, in addition to core knowledge.

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Since 2023, the State Technical University "SHAG" has the status of an authorized institution of higher education for the enrollment of persons whose place of residence is the temporarily occupied territory to obtain higher education.


Who can use it?

Place of registration of the entrant Features Participation in competitive selection
temporarily occupied territory the entrant is in the temporarily occupied territory (or has moved after September 1, 2022) and does not have a document on the state-style PZSO Admission through the Education Centers "Donbas-Ukraine", "Crimea-Ukraine" by taking the state final certification in the Ukrainian language and History of Ukraine at an authorized school and an interview at a higher education institution Can submit up to 5 budget applications at one Education Center For applicants who live on TOT, applications are accepted until September 23
the entrant is in the temporarily occupied territory (or has moved after January 1, 2023) and has a document on the state standard PZSO and does not have the results of the NMT Вступ через Освітні центри «Донбас-Україна», «Крим-Україна» за результатами творчого конкурсу (для спеціальностей, визначених у додатку 1) або співбесіди замість результатів НМТ (100-200 балів) Може подавати до 5 заяв на бюджет до різних освітніх центрів Для вступників, які проживають на ТОТ, прийом заяв до 23 вересня
the entrant lived in the temporarily occupied territory and moved after January 1, 2023 and has a state-standard PZSO and has the results of the NMT

Admission through the Education Centers "Donbas-Ukraine", "Crimea-Ukraine" based on the results of the NMT or a creative competition (for the specialties specified in Appendix 1) or an interview instead of the results of the NMT (100 - 200 points)

If you had an interview at an institution, the results of the interview are counted, even if they are worse than the results of the NMT. You can submit up to 5 budget applications to different Educational Centers

the entrant lived at TOT and moved until January 1, 2023 Admission through the Education Centers "Donbas-Ukraine", "Crimea-Ukraine" based on the results of the NMT or a creative competition (for specialties specified in Appendix 1)



Instructions for admission

Center services and necessary documents


Services of the center:

  • Consultation and assistance in drawing up an educational declaration;
  • Annual assessment and state final certification of the Ukrainian language and history of Ukraine, issuance of state-style documents on basic or full general secondary education;
  • Consultation on obtaining documents on basic and complete general secondary education, which are mandatory for obtaining higher education;
  • Completion of documents as an applicant;
  • Conducting entrance exams;
  • Help with settlement during the introductory campaign;
  • Assistance in issuing identity documents.
  • All services of the Educational Center are provided free of charge!

Necessary documents:

Identity document;
A state-standard education document and its supplement, or a UZZSO certificate confirming successful completion of the annual assessment and state final attestation, required for the competition without VNO certificates (this certificate is drawn up by the center);
Certificate of registration of an internally displaced person (with the exception of those who graduated in the year of admission).
Education documents obtained in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas and Crimea are not accepted! Instead, you will be asked to fill out an educational declaration in our center.

Our contacts

Contact Information:
Education Center "Crimea-Ukraine" and Education Center "Donbas-Ukraine" in Kharkiv
Address: St. Malomyasnitska 9/11
(050) 444-08-82
Viber/Telegram +38 (068) 117 03 88
Mail: [email protected]
Official page:
Social networks:

Authorized institution of general secondary education (UZZSO):
61089, Kharkiv, st. Myru, 102a, Communal Institution "Kharkiv Scientific Lyceum Boarding School "Gift"" of the Kharkiv Regional Council. The authorized institution of general secondary education (UZZSO) cooperates with the Educational Center of KhTU "SHAG" in matters of conducting annual evaluation and state final certification of the Applicant in the Ukrainian language and history of Ukraine, issuing him state documents on basic or full general secondary education.